Because I work in the liberal media, there are only two conservative columnists at my paper*. They each wrote an article for the days after the election. One of them, whom I actually respect a great deal, wrote about how the GOP let itself down with its fearmongering tactics and avoidance of issues, and saying such things as "the economy is basically sound." The other, who is a douche, whom I have thought of as a douche for years, who was actually fired for his douchiness in the past, wrote about how the country is going to be irreparably ruined and if those damn progressives hadn't gotten women the vote, we wouldn't be in the boat we're in (I am not making this up) and that unless we're all drooling morons -- which he strongly suspects we are -- we'll pack the House and Senate full of conservatives in 2010 when we've realised how screwed we are with liberals in charge.
Rich irony in running them both on the same page.
My father, while not quite the type to believe that Obama was some sort of Muslim Manchurian candidate... okay, yes, yes he did believe that until very strong evidence came out to the contrary, specifically NewsMax jumping on his "racist church" as implication that some sort of white subordination program would kick in if Obama won...
Where was I?
Okay. He's at least not the type to believe that Obama was actually the secret bastard lovechild of Malcolm X (A friend linked this to me as an example of the human tendency toward conspiracy). So he has that going for him, I suppose. So, while he doesn't frothingly agree with every conspiracy, he does think that McCain lost because those Democrats up in New Hampshire get together and decide on the least electable candidate and caucus for him in the open primaries.
Right, it's not because of the fearmongering, the no-name divisive VP pick (I know people who voted for Obama who would have gone for McCain/Lieberman), the "bomb iran" song...
We were actually blown away by people in the NH primaries, by the way. We'd ask them who they were going to vote for- "Oh, I'm hoping to vote for Clinton." "Well, what if she doesn't win the primary?" "Hmm, well, then, maybe I'd vote for McCain." Clinton or McCain, Clinton or McCain. It seems any registered Democrats caucusing for Republicans were going for ones they'd actually vote for.
Seriously, didn't Limbaugh tell Texas Republicans to register Democrat and caucus for Clinton?
Hi Pot, I'd like you to meet my friend Kettle. I think you'll find you have some things in common.
I will cherish the memory of my grandfather stating matter-of-factly that the US had no business going to Iraq in the first place, though- just for the way my father instantly shut up. Thanksgiving got a lot quieter right then. Ah, peace.
*This is unfair. One of them is actually our Opinion Editor, meaning he writes the most and has a fair amount of weight on the Editorial. We would also have someone writing rather conservatively about financial markets, if he hadn't quit before we could talk with him about his ass-holishness.