Figures I'd write that big long entry and then forget the important part.
The line that made me say, yeah, my brother would be a great pastor:
"You know, a lot of the trouble is that people feel that they have to be good, that if they don't toe the line exactly, then God will go, 'Oh, you said you were Christian but I know you aren't.' I don't think God is like that, I mean, He wouldn't have sent his Son if people could do that. And then people get into this whole thing of following the exact letter of the law, even when we don't know the details and context. If people wanted to be good, were kind and strove for goodness because it actually made them happy, it'd be easier. People would say 'You know, I don't think God will smite me for this, but it just doesn't feel right.' People would be... 'more better,' I guess, all around, but it would be better for their faith as well."
In unrelated news, I've found a dentist I don't mind going to, because he doesn't make me feel like an enormous personal failure for having cavities or for flinching when he pokes me with pointy implements. Unfortunately, I'll probably be moving within 6 months to a year.